Thank you for submitting to River Styx Magazine. For more information about our submission guidelines, please visit our site. We look forward to reading your work!

You may submit in more than one category.


Please submit work for River Styx Online.

Visit our Submissions Guidelines at for additional details on submitting work for consideration for online publication.



  • Works may include paintings, photographs, animation, video, graphic short fiction, digital illustration, prints, and other media (including high-quality photos of 3-D or mixed-media work).
  • Allow up to five months for a response.
  • For cover art we seek a single, striking color image, with the possibility of printing a second, related image on the back cover. Cover images should be horizontal/landscape orientation (or able to be cropped).
  • Graphic stories may run as long as they need to tell the story. Page length is limited only by how long they keep our interest.
  • If your work is a part of a series of images, please submit between four and twelve images. We appreciate having choices.
  • If submitting a multi-page artistic work, such as a graphic short story, please submit only one at a time.
  • For larger files, please contact us using the form on the Contact page for further instructions.
River Styx